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Basse Résolution : Tommy Vicari Jnr, CMYK, Canza
XLR : Mary Velo, Tutti, Dial
La Rave : December aka Tomas More, Martin Carlier
Especially Here : Julio Lecha, Modeling Motion
Art Feast ‘Beste Modus Label Night’: Cinthie, Diego Krause, Ortella, Kläaar
Cytochrome : Adriana Lopez, Diane
Tunnel Vision : Mick Wills, E-Care
Terminal 2 Years ‘Special Birthday Party’ Jay Shepheard, Jeen
La Rave : Delta Funktionen, Theorist OFC
Station Essence ‘Sans Plomb 90’ : Milena, Feudo, Subvers
Realize : Andrey Pushkarev, Manu Svensson, Wavesonik
Tunnel Vision : David Vunk, De Dupe
F4TMusic : Afriqua, Radiomentale, The Ashram Mechanics
Badaboum Airlines : Siler, Dima, Mouloud
La Rave : Mondkopf, Somatische, Hersatz
Cytochrome : Pierre Paris, De Stilj, Diane
JALIB : Pawsa, Murvin Sound
Cytochrome : Lowtec, Diane
1001 Bass : Arnaud Le Texier, Noise Ctrl, Sloven, Bstn G